jurist |
a judge. [2 definitions] |
juristic |
of or relating to jurisprudence or to a jurist or jurists. |
juror |
one who is a member of a jury. [3 definitions] |
jury |
a body of persons summoned to a court of law who are sworn to hear evidence and give a true verdict in a case. [2 definitions] |
jury-rig |
to assemble or put into place in a makeshift way, or for temporary use, as on a vessel. |
jus sanguinis |
the legal principle that a child is a citizen of the country of his or her parents' citizenship. |
jus soli |
the legal principle that a child is a citizen of the country in which he or she is born. |
just |
fair, equitable, and honest. [12 definitions] |
just about |
practically; almost; nearly. |
justice |
the principle or quality of equity; moral rightness. [5 definitions] |
justice of the peace |
the lowest level of magistrate in some U. S. states, whose jurisdiction is usu. part of a county and whose duties include administering oaths, performing marriages, and trying minor cases. |
justifiable |
capable of being defended or explained. |
justification |
something that explains, justifies, or defends, as an explanation or supporting evidence. [2 definitions] |
justified |
made reasonable or excusable by demonstrated facts; warranted. [2 definitions] |
justify |
to demonstrate (something) to be true or valid. [5 definitions] |
justly |
with justice or fairness. [2 definitions] |
justness |
the quality of being just or right. [2 definitions] |
jut |
to project or extend sharply outward; protrude (often fol. by "out"). [2 definitions] |
jute |
a coarse, strong fiber taken from any of a variety of plants native to the East Indies, used to make twine, burlap, and the like. [2 definitions] |
juvenescent |
becoming youthful or young. |
juvenile |
not yet having attained maturity; not adult; young. [4 definitions] |