katzenjammer |
depressing confusion. [2 definitions] |
kauri |
a tall evergreen tree, found in New Zealand, that produces a resin used in varnishes and enamels. [2 definitions] |
kayak |
a slender boat traditionally used by the Inuit people, consisting of a light frame pointed at both ends, covered with a waterproof skin that may be pulled tight around the waist of the passenger. [2 definitions] |
Kazakh |
of or pertaining to Kazakhstan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
Kazakhstan |
a Central Asian country south of Russia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. |
kazoo |
a musical toy consisting of a small tube, one side of which has a hole covered with paper that vibrates when a player sings or hums into the tube, producing a buzzing tone. |
kc |
abbreviation of "kilocycle," or "kilocycles," a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilohertz. |
kea |
a large brownish green parrot of New Zealand. |
kebob |
variant of kabob. |
Kechua |
variant of Quechua. |
kedge |
to move (a ship) by hauling on the line of its kedge anchor, then dropping the anchor in the desired position. [3 definitions] |
keel |
a structural part extending lengthwise down the bottom center of the hull of a boat or ship, important for stability in water. [4 definitions] |
keelhaul |
to punish (someone) by submerging and dragging under the bottom of a vessel and up the other side. [2 definitions] |
keelless |
combined form of keel. |
keel over |
to faint or fall over suddenly. |
keelson |
a timber or girder in the hull of a ship, fastened above and parallel to the keel to add structural strength. |
keen1 |
extremely sharp; able to cut readily and finely. [4 definitions] |
keen2 |
a loud, mournful wailing for the dead. [2 definitions] |
keep |
to hold or retain possession of. [14 definitions] |
keep an eye on |
to watch or tend with care. |
keep an eye out |
to be watchful or closely attentive. |