keeshond |
any of a breed of dog with thick black and gray hair and a tail that curls forward over the back, originally used as watchdogs and rat catchers on barges in Holland. |
kef |
a state of dreamy, drowsy contentment, esp. one induced by narcotics. [2 definitions] |
keg |
a small cask or barrel, usu. holding less than ten gallons. [2 definitions] |
kegler |
one who bowls; bowler. |
kelly green |
a bright yellowish green color. |
keloid |
an excessive growth of new skin occurring in skin that has been injured or operated upon surgically; scar tissue. |
kelp |
one of a family of coarse brown seaweeds, often bearing leaflike structures. [2 definitions] |
kelpie1 |
in Scottish legend, a water spirit often shaped like a horse, reputed to drown people. |
kelpie2 |
an Australian breed of sheepdog. |
Kelvin |
a thermodynamic temperature scale whose degree intervals correspond to those of the Celsius scale and in which zero degrees, or absolute zero, is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. [3 definitions] |
kempt |
of hair, neatly combed. [2 definitions] |
ken |
knowledge, range of vision, or comprehension. |
kendo |
a Japanese sport of fencing with bamboo sticks. |
kennel |
(often pl.) a place where dogs are raised, bred, trained, or housed. [2 definitions] |
keno |
a game of chance similar to lotto and bingo but using balls instead of counters. |
Kentucky |
an east central U.S. state, south of Indiana and Ohio. (abbr.: KY) |
Kentucky Derby |
the first of three annual U.S. horse races known as the Triple Crown. |
Kenya |
an East African country on the Indian Ocean coast between Ethiopia and Tanzania. |
Keogh plan |
a financial retirement plan, similar to an IRA, for self-employed persons and for the owners and employees of unincorporated businesses. |
kepi |
a cylindrical cap with a flat top and a short horizontal visor, traditionally worn by members of the French armed forces. |
kept |
past tense and past participle of keep. |