lane |
a narrow passage, as between hedges, walls, or buildings. [7 definitions] |
langley |
a unit of illumination used for measuring solar radiation, equal to one small calorie per square centimeter. |
langoustine |
any of several edible marine crustaceans, esp. a small lobster of the North Atlantic. |
Langston Hughes |
African American writer; born James Langston Hughes (b.1902--d.1967). |
language |
the organized system of written symbols and vocal sounds with which humans communicate thoughts, ideas, or emotions. [5 definitions] |
language laboratory |
a room with recording and sound reproduction equipment in which students can study and practice foreign languages. |
languid |
lacking or not showing strength, energy, or spirit; weak, slow, or listless. |
languish |
to lose strength or energy; weaken. [3 definitions] |
languor |
lack of strength or energy; weakness or listlessness. [2 definitions] |
langur |
any of several slender, long-tailed Asian monkeys that have a chin tuft and bushy eyebrows. |
laniard |
variant of lanyard. |
lank |
of hair, limp and shapeless. [2 definitions] |
lanky |
tall and thin to the point of awkwardness; rawboned. |
lanner |
a species of Mediterranean falcon used in falconry, esp. the female. |
lanneret |
the male lanner, which is smaller than the female. |
lanolin |
a fatty substance extracted from sheep's wool and used as a lubricant in soap, cosmetics, and ointments. |
Lansing |
the capital of Michigan. |
lantern |
a housing or case with openings or transparent sections through which light can shine, used to protect, transport, direct, or ornament the light it contains. [3 definitions] |
lantern fish |
any of several deep-sea fishes with luminescent organs along the side of the body. |
lantern jaw |
a bony, projecting lower jaw. |
lantern slide |
an early type of photographic transparency for projection. |