laryngoscope |
a medical instrument used to examine the interior of the larynx. |
laryngoscopy |
examination of the larynx with the aid of a laryngoscope. |
larynx |
the structure in the throat that contains the human vocal cords, or a similar or corresponding structure in lower animals. |
lasagna |
long, wide, flat noodles, or a dish of Italian origin that is made with such noodles interleaved and baked with sauce, cheeses, ground meat, or vegetables. |
lascar |
a sailor of Indian or East Indian ancestry, esp. one employed on European ships. |
lascivious |
of, characterized by, or inclined to sexual lust or lewdness. [2 definitions] |
lase |
to act as a laser; emit coherent light. |
laser |
a device that amplifies electrical impulses at mixed frequencies in or near the range of visible light by stimulating the atoms in a medium such as a gas or crystal, producing an intense, concentrated beam of light at one or more virtually distinct frequencies (acronym for "light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation"). |
laser disk |
see "optical disk." |
lash1 |
a whip or the striking part of a whip. [11 definitions] |
lash2 |
to bind or tie down with a rope, cord, or chain. |
lashing1 |
the action of a person or thing that lashes. [3 definitions] |
lashing2 |
the action of binding, as with a rope, or the material used to do this. |
lash-up |
(informal) a temporary or improvised apparatus or arrangement. |
lass |
a girl or young woman; maiden. [2 definitions] |
lassie |
a lass. |
lassitude |
lack of mental or physical energy; weariness or listlessness; lethargy. |
lasso |
a long rope with a slipping noose on one end, used to catch running animals, esp. cattle and horses; lariat. [2 definitions] |
last1 |
coming after or finishing behind all others. [12 definitions] |
last2 |
to persist or endure through time. [4 definitions] |
last-ditch |
done as a final and desperate measure, effort, stand, or the like. |