latke |
a pancake, esp. one made of grated potatoes. |
latrine |
a toilet for use by many, with or without plumbing, as in a camp or a military barracks or bivouac. |
-latry |
worship of or extreme devotion to. |
latter |
the second of two mentioned. [3 definitions] |
latter-day |
of contemporary or modern times. |
Latter-day Saint |
see "Mormon." |
latterly |
recently; lately. [2 definitions] |
lattice |
a flat, open framework made by interweaving two sets of parallel strips of material, usu. wood, often used as a decorative screen, as on a porch or in a garden. [3 definitions] |
latticework |
a lattice, or lattices collectively; trelliswork. |
Latvia |
a country of East Europe bordered by the Baltic Sea, Russia, Estonia, and Lithuania; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. |
Latvian |
of or pertaining to Latvia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
laud |
to praise. [3 definitions] |
laudable |
worthy of praise. |
laudanum |
a solution of opium and alcohol. |
laudation |
the act or an instance of praising or being praised; commendation. |
laudatory |
expressing praise. |
laugh |
to express amusement, happiness, mirth, derision, or other emotions by making nonverbal sounds with the mouth and distorting the face in an expression like a smile (often fol. by "about" or "at"). [6 definitions] |
laughable |
exciting laughter or derision. |
laughing |
laughter. [3 definitions] |
laughing gas |
see "nitrous oxide." |
laughingstock |
one who is the object or butt of ridicule or jokes. |