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less comparative of "little." [6 definitions]
lessee one who holds or occupies property by lease.
lessen to become or make smaller in degree, amount, or size.
lesser a comparative of "little." [3 definitions]
lesser-known less well-known.
lesser panda a small reddish brown carnivore related to the raccoon that has a long, bushy, ringed tail and that is native to the Himalayas.
lesson a period of instruction in which particular things are taught, or a particular thing or set of things that are to be learned or studied. [7 definitions]
lessor one who lets property to another by lease.
less than in mathematics, being a quantity larger than the quantity that follows.
less than or equal to in mathematics, being a quantity equal to or smaller than the quantity that follows.
less than or equal to sign in mathematics, a symbol (≤) indicting that the value before the sign is equal to or smaller than the value after the sign.
less than sign in mathematics, a symbol (<) indicting that the value before the sign is smaller than the value after the sign.
lest against a possibility that. [2 definitions]
-let small or lesser.
let to allow; permit. [8 definitions]
let alone much less (used to add to one's statement an element that is highly unlikely given the fact just stated).
let bygones be bygones to forgive and forget former quarrels.
letdown a disappointment. [3 definitions]
let down to fail to satisfy; disappoint. [5 definitions]
let go to stop holding or holding back (something); set free. [3 definitions]
lethal intended to cause or capable of causing death or extreme harm; deadly.