lily |
any of several plants grown from a bulb and bearing large bell-shaped or trumpet-shaped flowers. [4 definitions] |
lily-livered |
lacking courage; meek. |
lily of the valley |
a widely cultivated perennial of the lily family having small, white, very fragrant bell-shaped flowers. |
lily pad |
the large, flat, floating leaf of a water lily. |
lily-white |
white as a lily. [4 definitions] |
Lima |
the capital of Peru. |
lima bean |
any of several plants that bear broad pods containing large green or white edible seeds. [2 definitions] |
limb1 |
a main branch of a tree. [3 definitions] |
limb2 |
an edge or border that differs in appearance or structure from the surface or object it borders, such as the visible edge of a heavenly body. |
limbed |
having a specified kind of limb (usu. used in combination). |
limber |
bending or flexing easily; pliant. [4 definitions] |
limbic |
in anatomy, pertaining to or characterized by a limbus, or border between two bodily structures. |
limbic system |
a set of brain structures, located at the border (or limbus) separating the cerebral hemisphere from the brain stem, that support emotional responses, behavior, memory formation, and olfaction. |
limbo1 |
(often cap.) in theology, a place neither in heaven nor hell for souls neither saved nor condemned, such as those of unbaptized infants. [2 definitions] |
limbo2 |
a West Indian dance in which the dancer bends backwards and passes under a horizontal pole that is lowered after each pass. |
Limburger |
a soft, white cheese having a strong odor and flavor. |
limbus |
in anatomy, a distinct border or edge between two structures. |
lime1 |
any of various forms of calcium oxide, a whitish powder or granular substance used in mortars and cement, making steel and paper, and improving acidic soils. [4 definitions] |
lime2 |
a small green citrus fruit similar to a lemon. [2 definitions] |
lime3 |
any of several European linden trees. |
limeade |
a drink made of lime juice, water, and a sweetener, usu. served cold. |