lionhearted |
extremely brave or courageous. |
lionize |
to view or treat (someone) as a celebrity or extraordinary person. |
lion's share |
the biggest and best portion of something. |
lip |
either of the fleshy upper or lower edges of the mouth that surround it, and are used in speech. [5 definitions] |
lipase |
any of several enzymes produced by the liver or pancreas that aids digestion by breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. |
lip gloss |
a cosmetic ointment that gives shine to the lips, used as a moisturizer and often worn over lipstick. |
lipid |
in biochemistry, any of several fats or fatlike substances that are important components of living cells. |
lipless |
combined form of lip. |
lipo- |
fat. |
lipoid |
like fat; fatty. [2 definitions] |
lipoprotein |
any complex or compound containing both protein and lipid. |
liposuction |
a surgical procedure that uses suction to remove fat from beneath the skin for cosmetic purposes. |
lipped |
having lips or a lip, often of a specified type. |
Lippes loop |
a plastic, double S-shaped contraceptive device that is inserted into the uterus. |
Lippizaner |
one of a breed of compact, shapely gray or white horses developed through crossbreeding and used in jumping and dressage exhibition events. |
lip-read |
to understand (what a person is saying) by looking at his or her lips. [2 definitions] |
lip reading |
a technique for understanding a speaker's words by watching the movements of the speaker's lips. |
lip service |
insincere expression of good will, devotion, respect, or loyalty. |
lipstick |
a cosmetic for coloring the lips, usu. in stick form in a tubular container. |
lip-sync |
to move the lips in synchronization with (recorded sound). [2 definitions] |
liquefacient |
causing to become liquid. [2 definitions] |