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liveryman one who owns or is employed in a livery stable.
livery stable a stable where horses may be boarded or horses and carriages may be hired.
lives pl. of life.
livestock (used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch.
live up to to act or succeed in a way that is equal to (certain expectations). [2 definitions]
live wire a wire or other electric conductor that is carrying electric current. [2 definitions]
live with to tolerate; put up with.
livid very angry; full of rage; furious. [3 definitions]
living having life. [10 definitions]
living death a completely miserable and joyless life.
living room a room in a residence, usu. with a couch, armchairs, and the like, used for various social and leisure activities.
living wage a wage that provides enough money for living at minimum acceptable standards.
living will a document directing that all medical life-support systems or treatment that prolong the signer's life be ended in the event of a terminal illness.
livre a money of account and a coinage in France until 1794.
lizard any of numerous reptiles with rough scaly skin, four legs, and a long tapering tail. [2 definitions]
Ljubljana the capital of Slovenia.
llama any of several woolly-haired mammals of South America that are related to but smaller than camels and are sometimes raised for their wool. [2 definitions]
llano a large, open grassy plain, esp. one in Central or South America or southwestern North America.
LL.B. abbreviation of "legum baccalaureus" (Latin); Bachelor of Laws.
LL.D. abbreviation of "legum doctor" (Latin); Doctor of Laws.
lm abbreviation of "lumen," a unit of measure of the flow of light, equal to the flow from a light source of one-candle strength, measured on a unit surface at a unit distance.