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macaque any of a family of monkeys of the East Indies, Asia, and Africa that have cheek pouches and tails that are not prehensile, such as the rhesus monkey.
macaroni any of variously shaped, dried pasta noodles made from flour and water, esp. the short, bent, hollow tubes; elbow macaroni.
macaroni and cheese a popular lunch or dinner dish made with macaroni in a cheese sauce, served as an entree or side dish.
macaroon a soft, chewy cookie made of sugar, egg whites, and ground almonds or coconut.
macaw any of a number of brightly colored, tropical American parrots with long, slightly curved tails.
Macbeth the title character and protagonist of a tragedy by William Shakespeare.
Maccabees the members of a ruling Jewish family who defeated the Syrians in 167 B.C. and rededicated the temple in Jerusalem, these events being commemorated in the festival of Hanukkah.
Mace trademark for a chemical spray used to temporarily stun an attacker or control a large mob of people. [2 definitions]
mace1 a heavy, spiked club of the Middle Ages used against armored opponents. [2 definitions]
mace2 a fragrant spice that is ground from the inner covering of the nutmeg shell.
Macedonia a region of the Balkans lying mainly within Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia.
Macedonian of or pertaining to Macedonia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
macerate to soften (food or the like) by soaking, as in digestion. [4 definitions]
Mach (sometimes l.c.) see "Mach number."
machete a knife with a wide heavy blade, used esp. in the tropics to cut crops and clear paths, and as a weapon.
Machiavellian of, concerning, or resembling Machiavelli or his works. [3 definitions]
machicolate to make or install machicolations in (a parapet or a gallery).
machicolation an opening in the floor of an overhanging gallery or parapet through which weapons such as rocks or boiling liquids can be dropped on attackers. [2 definitions]
machinate to invent, plot, scheme, or devise artfully, esp. with malicious intent.
machination scheming or plotting, esp. for a devious purpose. [2 definitions]
machine a man-made device, usu. driven by a motor or engine, with a system of interrelated parts that work together to perform a task. [6 definitions]