madrigal |
a type of song popular in the Renaissance, usu. sung by four to six singers who sing the same words but at different times and usu. with no instrumental accompaniment. |
madrilène |
a consommé made from tomatoes and usu. served jelled and chilled. |
madroño |
an evergreen tree of western North America that has hard wood and smooth reddish bark and bears edible orange berries. |
madwoman |
a woman who is or acts as if she is without reason or sense; lunatic or maniac. |
Maeander |
ancient name of the Menderes River which flows through western Turkey into the Aegean Sea. |
maelstrom |
an exceptionally turbulent or powerful whirlpool. [2 definitions] |
maenad |
(often cap.) in Greek mythology, a woman who takes part in the wild, orgiastic celebrations of Dionysus; bacchante. [2 definitions] |
maestoso |
in a majestic, dignified, and stately manner (used as a musical direction). |
maestro |
someone who is a brilliant or highly respected teacher, composer, or conductor of music. [2 definitions] |
Mafia |
in the United States and elsewhere, a secretive criminal organization whose members are of Sicilian and Italian origin. [2 definitions] |
Mafioso |
a supposed member of the Mafia. |
magazine |
a periodical containing advertisements, photographs, and articles on various topics. [3 definitions] |
Magdalene |
see "Mary Magdalene." |
mage |
a sorcerer or magician; magus. |
magenta |
a purplish red color. [3 definitions] |
maggot |
the sluglike larva of the fly and many other insects. [2 definitions] |
Magi |
according to the New Testament, the three wise men from the East who followed a brilliant star to find the infant Jesus Christ and honor him with gifts. [2 definitions] |
magic |
supernatural control of physical forces or events, as by spells or ritual actions. [6 definitions] |
magical |
mysterious and charming. [2 definitions] |
magician |
one skilled in magic, or one who performs tricks of illusion for entertainment. [2 definitions] |
magic lantern |
an instrument formerly used to project and enlarge photographic slides. |