magnanimity |
generosity or willingness to forgive. |
magnanimous |
having or showing a generous, forgiving, or noble nature. |
magnate |
someone of exceptional power, wealth, or influence, esp. in business. |
magnesia |
a white, powdery oxide of magnesium, used esp. in medicine as a laxative or antacid. (See milk of magnesia.) |
magnesium |
a highly reactive chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has twelve protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds, but that can be isolated as a divalent ion essential in plant and animal nutrition, or as alight, ductile, silver-white solid that bursts into a bright flame when heated above room temperature, used for flares, fireworks, and the like. (symbol: Mg) |
magnet |
an object that attracts iron and some other materials by virtue of a natural or induced force field surrounding it. (See electromagnet.) [2 definitions] |
magnetic |
of, concerning, or functioning as a magnet or magnets. [4 definitions] |
magnetic amplifier |
a tubeless amplifier that employs two sets of windings, a primary set into which input feeds and a secondary set through which flows an alternating current, whose variations are modified by those in the primary winding. |
magnetic bottle |
a magnetic field used to confine plasma during thermonuclear reactions. |
magnetic compass |
an instrument that shows direction relative to the earth's magnetic field, usu. by means of a magnetic needle mounted on a pivot. |
magnetic equator |
an imaginary line circling the earth near the equator, composed of points where a magnetic needle does not dip because the lines of magnetic force parallel the earth's surface. |
magnetic field |
a region of space in which a magnetic force occurs, esp. as a result of electrical current or the motions of charged particles such as electrons. |
magnetic flux |
the total number of lines of induction moving through a specific area in a magnetic field. |
magnetic mine |
a marine mine designed to explode when its magnetic needle responds to the mass of a nearby ship. |
magnetic moment |
the ratio that expresses the strength of a particular source of magnetic field. [2 definitions] |
magnetic needle |
a thin magnetized bar of steel situated within an instrument, such as a compass, so that it indicates the direction of the earth's magnetic poles. |
magnetic north |
the northern direction indicated by a magnetic needle, in line with the earth's magnetic pole but usu. not true north. |
magnetic pickup |
a phonograph pickup in which vibrations of the stylus are received by a coil in a magnetic field and thus converted to electrical current. |
magnetic pole |
either of the apparent poles of a permanent magnet, at which the lines of magnetic force seem to converge. [2 definitions] |
magnetic recording |
the process or product of recording a series of electrical signals onto a magnetizable surface, esp. used for audio, visual, and computer data. |
magnetic resonance imaging |
a non-invasive medical imaging technology using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to make the interior of the human body visible in three dimensions and in real time.(abbrev.: MRI) |