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make allowance (or allowances) for to be lenient toward (someone) due to knowing and understanding why a certain behavior has occurred; excuse; pardon. [2 definitions]
make amends to try to satisfy someone for offensive or injurious behavior, as with an apology.
make a monkey out of to make (someone) appear ridiculous; embarrass; dupe.
make a mountain out of a molehill to imagine something to be much more significant or more of a problem than it really is.
make a spectacle of oneself to behave disreputably or foolishly in public.
make-believe invention; pretending. [2 definitions]
make believe to pretend or imagine.
make both ends meet to make enough money to pay for essential things.
make do to manage, despite insufficiencies or adversity.
make ends meet to make enough money to pay for essential things.
make eyes at to look at with longing; flirt.
make for to move hurriedly toward a certain goal.
make friends to enter into a friendship or friendships (often fol. by "with").
make fun of to make (a person or thing) the object of ridicule.
make good to carry out successfully or as promised. [2 definitions]
make good time to travel at a very desirable pace.
make haste to act or move rapidly.
make hay while the sun shines to take advantage of an opportunity or get necessary work done while conditions are favorable.
make it to do well; succeed. [2 definitions]
make it up to (someone) to repay (someone) in some way for a wrong, or perceived wrong, done to that person.
make light of to treat as or consider trivial or unimportant.