malfeasance |
an illegal act or wrongdoing, esp. by a public official. |
malformation |
faulty or abnormal formation, esp. in the structure of a living organism; defect. |
malformed |
abnormally formed. |
malfunction |
to fail to operate or function. [3 definitions] |
Mali |
a West African country between Mauritania and Niger. |
malic acid |
a crystalline acid found esp. in unripe fruit such as apples and tomatoes. |
malice |
the wish to harm or hurt others; hostility; animosity. [2 definitions] |
malicious |
characterized by or displaying malice. |
malicious mischief |
the intentional destruction of another person's property or belongings. |
malign |
to speak badly of; defame; slander. [2 definitions] |
malignancy |
the state or quality of being malignant. [3 definitions] |
malignant |
evil or injurious in intent, effect, or character. [2 definitions] |
malignity |
the condition or character of being malign or deadly. [2 definitions] |
malines |
a fine, stiff net used in dressmaking. [2 definitions] |
malinger |
to pretend illness or injury, esp. in order to be excused from duty or work. |
malingerer |
one who pretends to be ill or injured, especially in order to avoid work or duty. |
mall |
a grassy open space, usu. lined with shade trees and used as a public place for walking. [4 definitions] |
mallard |
a common wild duck, the male of which has an iridescent, dark green head and neck. |
malleable |
capable of being shaped, as by hammering or rolling. [2 definitions] |
mallet |
a hammer, usu. wooden, with a short handle and a large cylindrical head, mainly used to drive a chisel or wedge, or to flatten something without damaging its surface. [3 definitions] |
malleus |
the outermost and largest of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammals. |