Manila hemp |
a durable fiber of the Philippine plant abaca used for making ropes, paper, clothing, and the like. |
Manila paper |
a sturdy brownish paper, used for envelopes or wrapping, originally made from Manila hemp. |
man in the street |
a common, ordinary man; average citizen (usu. understood to include women). |
manioc |
see "cassava." |
manipulable |
able to be manipulated. |
manipulate |
to handle or operate skillfully with the hands. [3 definitions] |
manipulation |
the act of manipulating or the state of being manipulated. [2 definitions] |
Manitoba |
a Canadian province between Ontario and Saskatchewan. |
manitou |
any of numerous supernatural forces or spirits believed by the Algonquian Indians to be deities of nature, having good or evil powers. |
mankind |
the human race; humanity. [2 definitions] |
manless |
combined form of man. |
manlike |
like a male human being. |
manly |
possessing qualities that are considered to be desirable in or befitting a man; masculine. |
man-made |
made or formed by human beings; not natural. |
manna |
the food miraculously dropped to the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt, according to the account in the Old Testament. [3 definitions] |
mannequin |
a model of the human torso or body used to fit or display clothing; dummy. [2 definitions] |
manner |
way of doing; style. [5 definitions] |
mannered |
having manners of a specified kind. [2 definitions] |
mannerism |
a distinctive and habitual behavioral characteristic. [2 definitions] |
mannerless |
lacking courtesy or politeness; without good manners. |
mannerly |
displaying polite behavior or manners. [2 definitions] |