memoir |
an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience. [3 definitions] |
memorabilia |
a collection of mementos. [2 definitions] |
memorable |
easily kept in memory; highly impressive or exceptional. [2 definitions] |
memorandum |
a short written reminder. [4 definitions] |
memorial |
a ceremony, custom, or public structure to honor a dead person or past event. [2 definitions] |
Memorial Day |
a U.S. legal holiday to honor deceased soldiers, usu. officially observed on the last Monday in May. |
memorialize |
to honor the memory of, as by an observance or celebration; commemorate. [2 definitions] |
memorize |
to learn thoroughly so as to hold in the memory. |
memory |
the mental power or process of recalling experience from the past. [6 definitions] |
memsahib |
formerly, a title applied to a European woman by servants in colonial India; madam. [2 definitions] |
men |
pl. of man. |
menace |
that which poses a danger or threatens injury or harm; threat. [4 definitions] |
ménage |
people living as a unit; household. [2 definitions] |
ménage à trois |
household of three (French); a household consisting of a married couple and a single person who is the lover of one of the spouses. [2 definitions] |
menagerie |
a collection of usu. wild or exotic animals, or the place where they are exhibited. |
menarche |
the first menstrual cycle of a girl. |
mend |
to repair (something damaged or worn). [4 definitions] |
mendable |
combined form of mend. |
mendacious |
untruthful. [2 definitions] |
mendacity |
a tendency to lie; untruthfulness. [2 definitions] |
mendelevium |
a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has 101 protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Md) |