mixed |
blended together. [2 definitions] |
mixed bag |
a diverse assortment. |
mixed marriage |
a marriage between people of different races or religions. |
mixed media |
the use of more than one medium, such as slides, music, dance, or drama, in presenting something for instruction, entertainment, or the like; multimedia. [2 definitions] |
mixed metaphor |
a combination of two or more metaphors with an inconsistent or nonsensical result or effect, such as, "He lit a fire that would soon bear fruit". |
mixed number |
a number consisting of an integer and a fraction, such as two and one half. |
mixed-up |
mentally confused or disoriented. [2 definitions] |
mixer |
an electrical device used for blending different foods together. [4 definitions] |
mixing bowl |
a bowl in which ingredients can be combined in food preparation. |
mix it up |
(informal) to fistfight or quarrel. |
mixture |
the product of mixing two or more items or substances together. [3 definitions] |
mix-up |
a confused situation. [2 definitions] |
mix up |
to confuse (one thing or person with another). [4 definitions] |
Mizar |
a binary star in the constellation Ursa Major, having a magnitude of 2.2. |
mizzen |
the fore-and-aft sail on the third mast of a fully-rigged ship. [2 definitions] |
mizzenmast |
the third mast from the front on a vessel having at least three masts. |
mkt. |
abbreviation of "market." |
ml |
abbreviation of "milliliter," or "milliliters," a unit of capacity equal to one thousandth of a liter or 0.338 fluid ounce. |
Mlle. |
abbreviation of "Mademoiselle," an unmarried woman, addressed courteously. |
mm |
abbreviation of "millimeter," or "millimeters," a unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter or 0.03937 inch. |
Mme. |
abbreviation of "Madame," a married woman, addressed formally or courteously. |