mock chicken |
pork, veal, or other meat that has been minced, molded, breaded, and braised to resemble a cooked chicken leg; city chicken. |
mockery |
contempt, derision, or ridicule, or an instance of this. [4 definitions] |
mock-heroic |
imitating or lampooning that which is heroic. [3 definitions] |
mockingbird |
any of several gray and white North American songbirds known esp. for their varied songs, which include imitations of the songs of other birds. |
mock orange |
any of various shrubs bearing fragrant white flowers that resemble those of the orange. |
mock turtle soup |
a clear soup made from calf's head or veal, and seasoned to taste like green turtle soup. |
mockup |
a model, often full-sized, built for display, study, or testing. |
mod |
stylishly modern, esp. as regards dress. [3 definitions] |
modal |
of or concerning mode, mood, or form. [5 definitions] |
modal auxiliary |
an auxiliary verb, such as "can," "may," "must," or "should," that is used to modify the meaning of a main verb by including such notions as necessity, possibility, certainty, capability, advisability, potential, and expectation. |
modality |
the state or condition of being modal. [4 definitions] |
mode1 |
a manner, method, or form of doing, acting, speaking, living, or the like. [4 definitions] |
mode2 |
a contemporary, popular, or customary style or fashion, as of clothing or behavior. |
model |
a standard that is suitable for or worthy of imitation or comparison. [14 definitions] |
modeling |
the act or profession of working as a fashion model. [2 definitions] |
modem |
an electronic apparatus that enables data to be processed for transmission from or into a computer by use of telephone or other transmitter. |
moderate |
keeping or kept within reasonable limits; not extreme or excessive. [9 definitions] |
moderation |
the avoidance of excesses or extremes, esp. in behavior. [2 definitions] |
moderato |
with a moderate pace or tempo (used as a musical direction). |
moderator |
someone who moderates, such as the leader of a discussion group or the chairperson at a meeting. [2 definitions] |
modern |
of, relating to, or characteristic of current or recent times. [4 definitions] |