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monoclinous of a plant, having both pistils and stamens in the same flower; hermaphroditic.
monoclonal relating to a cell line derived from a single cell, or to a substance made by such cells. [3 definitions]
monocotyledon a member of the subgroup of flowering plants that produce only one seed leaf, usu. bear leaves with parallel veins, and do not grow in width by means of a vascular cambium. (Cf. dicotyledon.)
monocular of, intended for, or requiring the use of only one eye. [2 definitions]
monody an ode recited or sung by a single voice, as in a Greek tragedy. [2 definitions]
monoecious in botany, having separate male and female flowers on each individual plant. [2 definitions]
monofilament a single thick filament of a synthetic fiber such as nylon.
monogamous having only one spouse.
monogamy the state of being married to only one individual. (Cf. bigamy, polygamy.)
monogenesis the theory that all living organisms are descended from one ancestral pair or from one cell. [2 definitions]
monogenism the belief that all of mankind descended from one pair of ancestors. (Cf. polygenism.)
monogram a single character consisting of two or more stylized initials, used to mark personal items such as linens, stationery, and garments. [2 definitions]
monograph a scholarly publication by a single author on a specific subject.
monohydroxy containing one hydroxyl group in a molecule.
monolingual able to speak, read, or understand only one language. [2 definitions]
monolith a very large block of stone. [3 definitions]
monolithic being a monolith. [2 definitions]
monologue a long speech, poem, series of stories, or the like delivered by a single speaker. [2 definitions]
monomania excessive interest or absorption in a particular idea or subject; obsession; fixation. [2 definitions]
monomer in chemistry, a molecule that can bind with others having similar characteristics to form a polymer.
monometallism the economic theory or practice of using only one metal, usu. gold or silver, as the monetary standard.