most likely |
with much greater probability than not; very probably. |
mostly |
in most instances; for the most part. [2 definitions] |
mot |
a clever or witty remark. |
mote |
a fine particle of dust; speck. |
motel |
a hotel that usu. has extensive parking convenient to the bedrooms so as to accommodate those who travel by car. |
motet |
a piece of multivoice religious music with entwined melodies, usu. sung without accompaniment. |
moth |
any of numerous broad-winged insects that have fine or featherlike antennae, usu. fly at night, and are usu. thicker of body and less colorful than butterflies. [2 definitions] |
mothball |
a small hard ball of an insect-repellent chemical such as camphor or naphthalene, used to keep moths out of clothes. [2 definitions] |
moth-eaten |
eaten full of holes by or as if by moth larvae. [3 definitions] |
mother1 |
a female parent. [9 definitions] |
mother2 |
a stringy, slimy substance that grows on the surface of fermenting liquids and is used to change wine or cider into vinegar; mother of vinegar. |
motherboard |
the main printed circuit board of a personal computer, which holds chips containing the central processing unit, memory, ports, and the integrated circuits that control the keyboard and other standard peripheral devices, and to which additional circuit boards can be attached. |
Mother Carey's chicken |
any of various small marine birds, esp. the storm petrel. |
mother country |
one's native land. |
motherfucker |
(vulgar slang) a person or thing considered to be unpleasant, despicable, frustrating, or the like. |
Mother Goose |
the imaginary author of a collection of eighteenth-century English nursery rhymes. |
motherhood |
the state of being a female parent. [2 definitions] |
Mother Hubbard |
a character in an eighteenth-century English nursery rhyme. [2 definitions] |
Mothering Sunday |
(chiefly British) a holiday honoring mothers; Mother's Day. |
mother-in-law |
the mother of a person's husband or wife. |
motherland |
one's native or ancestral country. |