m'sieur |
contracted form of "monsieur". |
abbreviation of "manuscripts." |
abbreviation of "Mountain Standard Time," the standard time used in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, seven hours behind Greenwich time. |
MT |
abbreviation of "Montana," a northwestern U.S. state on the Canadian border between North Dakota and Idaho. |
Mt. |
abbreviation of "mount" or "mountain." |
Mt. Hime |
also known as Himeyama, site of Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. |
mtn. |
an abbreviation of "mountain." |
mu |
the name of the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet. |
much |
great in degree, number, or amount. [5 definitions] |
muchacha |
(Spanish) a young woman; a female adolescent. |
muchacho |
(Spanish) a young man. |
much less |
let alone (used to add to one's statement an element that is highly unlikely given the fact just stated). |
mucilage |
any of various sticky preparations or substances used as adhesives. [2 definitions] |
mucilaginous |
of, concerning, secreting, or resembling mucilage; soft, moist, and sticky. |
muck |
organic matter in decomposition; manure. [7 definitions] |
muckrake |
to investigate and expose misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders. |
muckraker |
one who investigates and exposes misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders. |
muck up |
(informal) to make a mess of; throw into confusion; botch. |
mucosa |
a membrane that secretes mucus, lining all body parts that are in direct or indirect contact with the exterior. |
mucous |
producing, secreting, or containing mucus. [2 definitions] |
mucous membrane |
a lubricating membrane that lines various surfaces or organs, as of the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts. |