Muscat |
the seaport capital of Oman. |
muscat |
a sweet, white variety of grape used for wine and raisins. |
muscatel |
a sweet amber wine made from muscat grapes. [2 definitions] |
muscle |
body tissue that controls movement of body parts by tightening and relaxing. [4 definitions] |
musclebound |
having overdeveloped muscles and being stiff and inflexible as a result. |
Muscovite |
a native or resident of Moscow. [2 definitions] |
muscovite |
the most common mica found in several types of rocks, usu. colorless or silvery-white, used as an electrical insulator. |
Muscovy duck |
a large crested duck of the Western Hemisphere that has been widely domesticated. |
muscular |
of or relating to muscle. [2 definitions] |
muscular dystrophy |
a noncontagious disease of unknown origin that causes progressive degeneration of the muscles. |
musculature |
the muscular system of a body or body part. |
musculoskeletal |
of, relating to, or involving the muscles and skeleton. |
Muse |
in Greek mythology, any of the nine goddesses who preside over the arts and sciences. [2 definitions] |
muse |
to ponder or meditate on something silently or at length. |
musette |
a small French bagpipe of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that is sounded by means of air supplied from a bellows. [2 definitions] |
musette bag |
a small leather or canvas bag for toilet articles, carried by a shoulder strap. |
museum |
an institution or building where collections of valuable historical or artistic objects are preserved and displayed. |
mush1 |
a thick, soft cereal, usu. of corn meal boiled in water or milk. [3 definitions] |
mush2 |
to travel over snow by means of a dog sled. [2 definitions] |
musher |
one who travels with or drives a dog team, esp. over snow in cross-country sled races. |
mushroom |
any of numerous edible or poisonous fungi, usu. with a fleshy, umbrella-shaped cap on a thin stalk. [7 definitions] |