abbreviation of "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People." |
nab |
(informal) to catch or seize; arrest. [2 definitions] |
nabob |
a provincial governor in the Indian Mogul empire. [2 definitions] |
nacelle |
an enclosure on an aircraft for housing the engine, the cargo, or the crew and passengers. [2 definitions] |
nacho |
a small tortilla chip spread with cheese and sometimes other spicy food and then broiled. |
nacre |
a hard, iridescent material lining certain seashells, such as that of the pearl oyster; mother-of-pearl. |
nacreous |
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of nacre. [2 definitions] |
nadir |
the lowest or most depressing point or stage. [2 definitions] |
nag1 |
to bother with constant complaints, demands, or instructions; pester. [6 definitions] |
nag2 |
a horse that has little value or has outlived its usefulness. |
nagana |
a disease of livestock transmitted by the bite of infected tsetse flies. |
nah |
(informal) no. |
Nahuatl |
a member of a group of Indian peoples of Mexico and Central America that includes the Aztecs. [2 definitions] |
Nahum |
according to the Old Testament, a minor prophet of Israel of the seventh century B.C. [2 definitions] |
naiad |
(sometimes cap.) a water nymph of Greek mythology, presiding over rivers, springs, and fountains. [2 definitions] |
naif |
one who is inexperienced or naive; innocent. |
nail |
a slim, pointed metal rod, usu. topped by a flat head, that can be hammered into a material such as wood in order to fasten or reinforce. [7 definitions] |
nail down |
to specify or settle. |
nail file |
a small flat pointed file for cleaning, shaping, and smoothing the fingernails. |
nailhead |
the enlarged surface of one end of a nail, usu. flat but sometimes rounded. [2 definitions] |
nail polish |
a clear or colored lacquer applied to fingernails and toenails. |