natural science |
the branches of science that deal with objective, measurable phenomena as observed in nature, such as biology and chemistry. |
natural selection |
a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are weak leave fewer or no offspring. (See survival of the fittest). |
nature |
the essential character or quality of a person or thing. [9 definitions] |
-natured |
having or showing (such) a nature, character, or temperament. |
nature preserve |
an area set aside for the protection and propagation of fish, animals, or plant life. |
naturist |
one who appreciates the delights of nature. |
naturopathy |
a method of treating illness without drugs, relying on massage, sunlight, proper food, and the like. |
Naugahyde |
trademark for a strong vinyl-coated fabric imitative of leather, used for furniture, luggage, and the like. |
naught |
the number zero. [2 definitions] |
naughty |
misbehaving or mischievous. [2 definitions] |
Nauru |
a Pacific island country slightly south of the equator and northeast of New Guinea. |
nausea |
a stomach disturbance marked by vomiting or the impulse to vomit; queasiness. [2 definitions] |
nauseate |
to upset the stomach of (a person or animal), often to the point of causing vomiting; cause nausea in. [2 definitions] |
nauseous |
causing nausea; sickening or disgusting. [2 definitions] |
nautch |
in India, a type of folk dance. [2 definitions] |
nautical |
of, relating to, or characteristic of the sea, sea transport, or sailors; naval or marine. |
nautical mile |
a unit of length equal to 1.852 kilometers or 6,076.1 feet, used in sea and air navigation. |
nautilus |
any of several related mollusks of the Indian or South Pacific Ocean, having a spiral, chambered shell lined with a pearly membrane; chambered nautilus; pearly nautilus. |
Navajo |
a member of a tribe of North American Indians occupying parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. [3 definitions] |
naval |
of or pertaining to ships, esp. those of a navy. [2 definitions] |
nave1 |
the long center of a church, extending from the entry area to the altar, usu. with aisles on either side. |