neap |
designating the tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon when there is the least rise and fall of water. |
near |
to, at, or within a comparatively short distance from a person or thing. [11 definitions] |
nearby |
situated close at hand; not far removed. [2 definitions] |
Near East |
the countries near or bordering the extreme eastern end of the Mediterranean, including those of southwestern Asia, northeastern Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. |
nearly |
just about but not quite; almost. [2 definitions] |
near miss |
the strike of a projectile or bomb that misses its intended target by a narrow margin, often causing some damage. [3 definitions] |
nearsighted |
able to see clearly only at short distance; myopic. |
neat |
orderly in appearance, state, or habits; tidy. [6 definitions] |
neaten |
to make neat; put in order (often fol. by "up"). |
'neath |
contracted form of "beneath". |
neatly |
in a tidy or uncomplicated manner. |
neatnik |
(informal) a person who cannnot tolerate mess and needs to keep things clean and in their proper place at all times. |
neat's-foot oil |
a fatty oil obtained by boiling cattle bones and used as a dressing for leather. |
Neb. |
abbreviation of "Nebraska." |
Nebraska |
a Midwestern U.S. state between South Dakota and Kansas. (abbr.: NE) |
Nebraskan |
of or pertaining to Nebraska or its people. [4 definitions] |
Nebuchadnezzar |
the king of Babylonia in the sixth century B.C. who destroyed Jerusalem and sent the Jews into captivity. |
nebula |
a cloud of interstellar dust or gas or both, that may appear as either a light or dark mass depending on how it absorbs, reflects, or re-emits incident radiation. [2 definitions] |
nebular hypothesis |
a theory stating that the solar system was once a nebula that cooled and condensed to form the sun and planets. |
nebulize |
to convert (liquid) to a fine spray. |
nebulosity |
the matter or form of a nebula. [2 definitions] |