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neuroimaging the branch of medicine that deals with producing images of the brain and nervous system; brain imaging. [2 definitions]
neurological of or pertaining to the nervous system or to the diseases that affect it.
neurologist a doctor who specializes in neurology.
neurology the branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system and diseases that affect it.
neuroma a tumor composed of nerve tissue.
neuromuscular pertaining to or affecting muscles and their associated nerves.
neuron a single nerve cell, including its axons and dendrites.
neuronal of or pertaining to neurons.
neuropathy any disease or irregularity of the nervous system.
neuropeptide a short protein used by neurons to communicate with each other.
neuropsychiatry a branch of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of disorders of both the mind and the nervous system.
neuropsychological of or pertaining to the relationship between the nervous system and behavior, or to the field of neuropsychology.
neuropsychologist a person who studies the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.
neuropsychology the branch of psychology dealing with the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.
neuropteran a neuropterous insect.
neuropterous relating or belonging to a group of insects that have four membranous, lacy wings, such as the lacewing and ant lion.
neurosis any of several functional disorders of the mind that are apparently not caused by any injury to the brain and are manifested by depression, phobias, compulsions, and the like.
neurosurgery the branch of surgery specializing in the nervous system, esp. the brain and spinal cord.
neurotic of or involving a neurosis. [3 definitions]
neurotoxic poisonous to nerve cells or nervous tissue.
neurotoxin a substance that is toxic to nerve cells or nerve tissue.