novena |
in the Roman Catholic church, a religious observance in which prayers are said or services held for a special purpose, on nine days in a row. |
novice |
a person with little or no experience, esp. in a work situation; beginner. [2 definitions] |
novitiate |
the condition or period of being a novice. [3 definitions] |
Novocaine |
trademark for a drug, procaine, used as a local anesthetic esp. during dental work. |
abbreviation of "National Organization for Women." |
now |
at this moment; at present; currently. [11 definitions] |
nowadays |
during these present times. [2 definitions] |
now and again |
sometimes; occasionally. |
now and then |
sometimes but not regularly; occasionally. |
noway |
in no way; not at all; nowise. |
nowhere |
not anywhere; in no place. [5 definitions] |
no-win |
having no possibility of success or winning. |
nowise |
in no way or degree; not at all. |
noxious |
harmful, dangerous, or destructive, esp. to health. [2 definitions] |
nozzle |
a short, narrow spout or tube fitted to the end of a hose, pipe, or the like, to control and direct a flow or spray of liquid or gas. |
Np |
symbol of the chemical element neptunium. |
abbreviation of "National Rifle Association." |
a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. |
-n't |
not (a contracted form used with certain verbs). |
nth |
of, related to, or being an indefinitely large number, the last in an infinite series of increasing or decreasing values. [3 definitions] |
nu |
the name of the thirteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. |