nobody |
no one; no person; not anybody. [2 definitions] |
nobody's fool |
one who is difficult to deceive. |
nock |
the notch at each end of a bow that holds the bowstring. [4 definitions] |
nocti- |
night. |
noctuid |
any of a large group of moths that are dull in color, fly at night, and produce destructive larvae such as cutworms and armyworms. |
nocturnal |
of, concerning, or occurring in the night. [3 definitions] |
nocturne |
a musical or artistic composition that portrays or suggests night or a dreamlike state. |
nod |
to move the head up and down as an indication of assent, greeting, or approval. [7 definitions] |
nodding acquaintance |
a slight acquaintance with someone or something, or someone with whom one has such a relationship. |
noddy |
any of a group of related tropical terns with dark bodies and pale heads. [2 definitions] |
node |
a knoblike or knotlike swelling or mass of tissue. [2 definitions] |
nod off |
to drop the head and fall into a very light sleep. |
no doubt |
certainly. [2 definitions] |
nodular |
relating to, characterized by, or occurring in the form of a small lump or swelling. |
nodule |
a small lump, swelling, or node. [2 definitions] |
Noël |
Christmas or the Christmas season. [2 definitions] |
noetic |
of or pertaining to the intellect; understood only by the mind or through the reasoning process. |
no-fault |
of or pertaining to a system of automobile insurance in which a company pays all or part of its policyholder's losses regardless of who was at fault for a particular accident. [2 definitions] |
nog1 |
a wooden pin or block inserted into brickwork or masonry to provide a hold for nails that support the woodwork or wooden members. |
nog2 |
a drink made with beaten eggs and often liquor; eggnog. [2 definitions] |
noggin |
a small mug or cup. [4 definitions] |