non compos mentis |
(Latin) not of sound mind, and therefore not legally responsible or capable. |
noncomprehension |
combined form of comprehension. |
noncompressible |
combined form of compressible. |
noncomputer |
combined form of computer. |
noncomputerized |
combined form of computerized. |
nonconceptual |
combined form of conceptual. |
nonconcern |
combined form of concern. |
nonconclusion |
combined form of conclusion. |
nonconcurrent |
combined form of concurrent. |
nonconditioned |
combined form of conditioned. |
nonconducting |
combined form of conducting. |
nonconduction |
combined form of conduction. |
nonconductive |
combined form of conductive. |
nonconductor |
a substance that conducts little or no heat, sound, or esp. electricity. |
nonconference |
combined form of conference. |
nonconfidence |
combined form of confidence. |
nonconfidential |
combined form of confidential. |
nonconflicting |
combined form of conflicting. |
nonconformist |
a person who refuses or fails to conform to established ideas, values, customs, or behaviors. [2 definitions] |
nonconformity |
refusal or failure to conform, esp. to societal customs, values, or the like. [2 definitions] |
nonconfrontation |
combined form of confrontation. |