nonexempt |
combined form of exempt. |
nonexistent |
not existing; not having substance in reality. |
nonexistential |
combined form of existential. |
nonexotic |
combined form of exotic. |
nonexpendable |
combined form of expendable. |
nonexperimental |
combined form of experimental. |
nonexpert |
combined form of expert. |
nonexplanatory |
combined form of explanatory. |
nonexploitation |
combined form of exploitation. |
nonexploitative |
combined form of exploitative. |
nonexplosive |
combined form of explosive. |
nonexposed |
combined form of exposed. |
nonextant |
combined form of extant. |
nonfact |
combined form of fact. |
nonfactor |
combined form of factor. |
nonfactual |
combined form of factual. |
nonfaculty |
combined form of faculty. |
nonfading |
combined form of fading. |
nonfamilial |
combined form of familial. |
nonfamily |
combined form of family. |
nonfarm |
combined form of farm. |