nonfeminist |
combined form of feminist. |
nonferrous |
not containing iron. [2 definitions] |
nonfiction |
the branch of prose literature composed of works that are not fictional. |
nonfilterable |
combined form of filterable. |
nonfinal |
combined form of final. |
nonfinancial |
combined form of financial. |
nonfinite |
combined form of finite. |
nonfissionable |
combined form of fissionable. |
nonflammable |
not flammable. |
nonflowering |
combined form of flowering |
nonfluorescent |
combined form of fluorescent. |
nonflying |
combined form of flying. |
nonforfeitable |
combined form of forfeitable. |
nonformal |
combined form of formal. |
nonfraternization |
combined form of fraternization. |
nonfreezing |
combined form of freezing. |
nonfrivolous |
combined form of frivolous. |
nonfrozen |
combined form of frozen. |
nonfulfillment |
combined form of fulfillment. |
nonfunctional |
combined form of functional. |
nonfunctioning |
combined form of functioning. |