nongovernmental |
combined form of governmental. |
nongraded |
combined form of graded. |
nongraduate |
combined form of graduate. |
nongrammatical |
combined form of grammatical. |
nongranular |
combined form of granular. |
nongravitational |
combined form of gravitational. |
nongreasy |
combined form of greasy. |
nongregarious |
combined form of gregarious. |
nongrowing |
combined form of growing. |
nongrowth |
combined form of growth. |
nonguest |
combined form of guest. |
nonhalogenated |
combined form of halogenated. |
nonhandicapped |
combined form of handicapped. |
nonhappening |
combined form of happening. |
nonhardy |
combined form of hardy. |
nonharmonic |
combined form of harmonic. |
nonhazardous |
combined form of hazardous. |
nonhemolytic |
combined form of hemolytic. |
nonhereditary |
combined form of hereditary. |
nonhero |
in fictional or dramatic works, a central character that lacks qualities traditionally associated with literary heroes; antihero. |
non-Hispanic |
combined form of Hispanic. |