nonimpact |
combined form of impact. |
nonimportation |
combined form of importation. |
nonimprovisatory |
composed or planned out rather than being created at the spur of the moment. |
noninclusion |
combined form of inclusion. |
nonincreasing |
combined form of increasing. |
nonincumbent |
combined form of incumbent. |
nonindependence |
combined form of independence. |
non-Indian |
combined form of Indian. |
nonindigenous |
combined form of indigenous. |
non-Indo-European |
combined form of Indo-European. |
nonindustrial |
combined form of industrial. |
nonindustrialized |
combined form of industrialized. |
nonindustry |
combined form of industry. |
noninfected |
combined form of infected. |
noninfectious |
combined form of infectious. |
noninfective |
combined form of infective. |
noninfested |
combined form of infested. |
noninflammable |
combined form of inflammable. |
noninflammatory |
combined form of inflammatory. |
noninflationary |
combined form of inflationary. |
noninflectional |
combined form of inflectional. |