noninterest |
combined form of interest. |
noninterference |
combined form of interference. |
nonintersecting |
combined form of intersecting. |
nonintervention |
a refraining from intervening in the affairs of another nation, esp. in a time of crisis, or a continuing policy of so refraining. [2 definitions] |
nonintimidating |
combined form of intimidating. |
nonintoxicant |
combined form of intoxicant. |
nonintoxicating |
combined form of intoxicating. |
nonintrusive |
combined form of intrusive. |
nonintuitive |
combined form of intuitive. |
nonionizing |
combined form of ionizing. |
nonirradiated |
combined form of irradiated. |
nonirrigated |
combined form of irrigated. |
nonirritant |
combined form of irritant. |
nonirritating |
combined form of irritating. |
nonissue |
combined form of issue. |
non-Japanese |
combined form of Japanese. |
non-Jew |
combined form of Jew. |
non-Jewish |
combined form of Jewish. |
nonjoiner |
combined form of joiner. |
nonjudicial |
combined form of judicial. |
nonjuror |
one who refuses to swear an oath, as of allegiance. |