nonlegal |
combined form of legal. |
nonlegislative |
not pertaining to the creation of laws. |
nonleguminous |
combined form of leguminous. |
nonlethal |
combined form of lethal. |
nonlexical |
combined form of lexical. |
nonlife |
combined form of life. |
nonlineal |
combined form of lineal. |
nonlinear |
combined form of linear. |
nonlinearity |
combined form of linearity. |
nonlinguistic |
combined form of linguistic. |
nonliquid |
combined form of liquid. |
nonliteral |
combined form of literal. |
nonliterary |
combined form of literary. |
nonliving |
combined form of living. |
nonlocal |
combined form of local. |
nonlogical |
combined form of logical. |
nonluminous |
combined form of luminous. |
nonmagnetic |
combined form of magnetic. |
nonmainstream |
combined form of mainstream. |
nonmajor |
combined form of major. |
nonmalignant |
combined form of malignant. |