nonmajor |
combined form of major. |
nonmalignant |
combined form of malignant. |
nonmalleable |
combined form of malleable. |
nonmanagement |
combined form of management. |
nonmanagerial |
combined form of managerial. |
nonmanual |
combined form of manual. |
nonmanufacturing |
combined form of manufacturing. |
nonmarital |
combined form of marital. |
nonmarket |
combined form of market. |
non-Marxist |
combined form of Marxist. |
nonmaterial |
combined form of material. |
nonmaterialistic |
combined form of materialistic. |
nonmathematical |
combined form of mathematical. |
nonmatriculated |
combined form of matriculated. |
nonmeaningful |
combined form of meaningful. |
nonmeasurable |
combined form of measurable. |
nonmechanical |
combined form of mechanical. |
nonmechanistic |
combined form of mechanistic. |
nonmedical |
combined form of medical. |
nonmember |
combined form of member. |
nonmembership |
combined form of membership. |