nonminority |
combined form of minority. |
nonmobile |
combined form of mobile. |
nonmolecular |
combined form of molecular. |
nonmonetary |
combined form of monetary. |
nonmoney |
combined form of money. |
nonmonogamous |
combined form of monogamous. |
nonmoral |
unrelated to morality; amoral. |
nonmotile |
combined form of motile. |
nonmotility |
combined form of motility. |
nonmotorized |
combined form of motorized. |
nonmoving |
combined form of moving. |
nonmunicipal |
combined form of municipal. |
nonmusical |
combined form of musical. |
nonmusician |
combined form of musician. |
nonmystical |
combined form of mystical. |
nonnarrative |
combined form of narrative. |
nonnational |
combined form of national. |
nonnative |
combined form of native. |
nonnatural |
combined form of natural. |
nonnecessity |
combined form of necessity. |
nonnegligent |
combined form of negligent. |