nonmusician |
combined form of musician. |
nonmystical |
combined form of mystical. |
nonnarrative |
combined form of narrative. |
nonnational |
combined form of national. |
nonnative |
combined form of native. |
nonnatural |
combined form of natural. |
nonnecessity |
combined form of necessity. |
nonnegligent |
combined form of negligent. |
nonnegotiable |
combined form of negotiable. |
nonnitrogenous |
combined form of nitrogenous. |
nonnormative |
combined form of normative. |
nonnuclear |
not producing, involving, or using nuclear energy. [2 definitions] |
nonnucleated |
combined form of nucleated. |
nonnumerical |
combined form of numerical. |
nonnutritious |
combined form of nutritious. |
nonnutritive |
combined form of nutritive. |
nonobjective |
designating or being a style or example of graphic art in which objects are not depicted as they appear in reality; abstract; nonrepresentational. |
nonobscene |
combined form of obscene. |
nonobservance |
combined form of observance. |
nonobservant |
combined form of observant. |
nonobvious |
combined form of obvious. |