nonpassive |
combined form of passive. |
nonpaying |
combined form of paying. |
nonpayment |
combined form of payment. |
nonperformance |
combined form of performance. |
nonperformer |
combined form of performer. |
nonperishable |
combined form of perishable. |
nonpermissive |
combined form of permissive. |
nonperson |
a person whose rights, opinions, accomplishments, and the like are denied or ignored, esp. by a government as a means of suppressing dissent. |
nonpersonal |
combined form of personal. |
nonpetroleum |
combined form of petroleum. |
nonphilosophical |
combined form of philosophical. |
nonphonemic |
combined form of phonemic. |
nonphonetic |
combined form of phonetic. |
nonphotographic |
combined form of photographic. |
nonphysical |
combined form of physical. |
nonplanar |
combined form of planar. |
nonplastic |
combined form of plastic. |
nonplaying |
combined form of playing. |
nonplus |
to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder. [2 definitions] |
nonpoetic |
combined form of poetic. |
nonpoisonous |
combined form of poisonous. |