nonpolarizable |
combined form of polarizable. |
nonpolitical |
combined form of political. |
nonpolitically |
combined form of politically. |
nonpolluting |
combined form of polluting. |
nonpoor |
combined form of poor. |
nonporous |
combined form of porous. |
nonpractical |
combined form of practical. |
nonpracticing |
combined form of practicing. |
nonpregnant |
combined form of pregnant. |
nonprescription |
for sale without a prescription. |
nonprint |
combined form of print. |
nonproblem |
combined form of problem. |
nonproducing |
combined form of producing. |
nonproductive |
not producing work, goods, or the like; unproductive. [2 definitions] |
nonprofessional |
combined form of professional. |
nonprofessionally |
combined form of professionally. |
nonprofessorial |
combined form of professorial. |
nonprofit |
of a business organization, not established to make a profit. |
nonprogram |
combined form of program. |
nonprogressive |
combined form of progressive. |
nonproliferation |
the action, process, or policy of restricting growth in numbers of something, esp. nuclear weapons. |