nonstationary |
combined form of stationary. |
nonstatistical |
combined form of statistical. |
nonsteady |
combined form of steady. |
nonstimulating |
combined form of stimulating. |
nonstop |
without any stops or pauses. |
nonstrategic |
combined form of strategic. |
nonstructural |
combined form of structural. |
nonstructured |
combined form of structured. |
nonstudent |
combined form of student. |
nonsubjective |
combined form of subjective. |
nonsubsidized |
combined form of subsidized. |
nonsuccess |
combined form of success. |
nonsuch |
variant of nonesuch. |
nonsuit |
in law, a judgment against a plaintiff based on failure to pursue prosecution or to provide adequate evidence for a legal action. [2 definitions] |
nonsupervisory |
combined form of supervisory. |
nonsupport |
failure to provide legally mandated support of a dependent or dependents, esp. children. |
nonsurgical |
combined form of surgical. |
nonswimmer |
combined form of swimmer. |
nonsymbolic |
combined form of symbolic. |
nonsymmetrical |
combined form of symmetrical. |
nonsynchronous |
combined form of synchronous. |