Numbers |
the fourth of the Five Books of Moses in the Old Testament, containing the census of the Hebrews after the Exodus from Egypt. |
number sentence |
in mathematics education, a simple equation or inequality containing numbers and operators. |
numbskull |
variant of numskull. |
numerable |
able to be numbered; countable. |
numeral |
one or more symbols or marks used to express or represent a number. [3 definitions] |
numerate |
to number or count; enumerate. |
numeration |
the act, process, or result of numbering or counting; enumeration; count. [2 definitions] |
numerator |
the number in a fraction that appears above the line, over the denominator. [3 definitions] |
numerical |
of or pertaining to numbers. [3 definitions] |
numerology |
a study of such numbers as those denoting the year of one's birth, to determine their supposed influence on one's character and life. |
número uno |
(informal) the person who is most important, best, most powerful, or the like; number one. |
numerous |
existing in great number; many. [2 definitions] |
numismatic |
of, pertaining to, or consisting of coins, medals, tokens, or currency. [2 definitions] |
numismatics |
(used with a sing. verb) the study or collecting of money, coins, and sometimes similar objects, such as medals. |
numismatist |
a devotee of or specialist in numismatics. |
numskull |
a stupid or foolish person; blockhead; dunce. |
nun1 |
a woman who is a member of a religious order, esp. one who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and lives in a convent. |
nun2 |
the name of the fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Nunavut |
a territory in northern Canada created from eastern portions of the Northwest Territories in the late 1990s. |
Nunc Dimittis |
a canticle beginning with these Latin words, used in the Christian liturgy. |
nuncio |
the pope's official representative to a government. |