oaf |
a stupid, rudely unpleasant, or bumbling person; blockhead. |
oak |
a tree that belongs to the beech family and bears acorns. [2 definitions] |
oak apple |
a harmless, applelike gall produced on oak trees by the larvae of a type of wasp. |
oak-leaf cluster |
a small bronze or silver cluster of oak leaves and acorns worn on the ribbon of a medal to signify multiple awardings of the same medal. |
oaktag |
sturdy cardboard used for posters, folders, and the like; tagboard. |
oakum |
loose rope fiber, often treated with tar, used to caulk seams in wooden ships. |
oar |
a long pole, broad and flat at one end, that is used to row, or sometimes steer, a boat. [4 definitions] |
oarfish |
any of several large slender ocean fish, ranging in length from about twelve to almost thirty feet, that have a dorsal fin along the entire length of the back and a red-tipped, manelike crest at the back of the head. |
oarlock |
on a boat, a U-shaped or ringlike device that acts as a holder and pivot for an oar. |
oarsman |
someone who rows a boat. |
abbreviation of "Organization of American States." |
oasis |
an area of vegetation in the midst of a desert, fed by a spring or well. [2 definitions] |
oast |
a kiln used for drying and curing tobacco or for drying hops or malt. |
oat |
(usu. pl.; used with a sing. or pl. verb) a grain plant widely raised in cool climates, or any of several similar plants. [2 definitions] |
oatcake |
a thin, flat, brittle cake made of oatmeal. |
oath |
a solemn pledge to do something, esp. a promise to tell the truth, as in a court of law. [4 definitions] |
oatmeal |
meal made by grinding or rolling oats. [2 definitions] |
ob- |
to; toward; before. [4 definitions] |
Obadiah |
according to the Old Testament, a minor Hebrew prophet. [2 definitions] |
obbligato |
not to be left out; obligatory (used of a musical part or accompaniment that is considered prominent but usu. ornamental). [2 definitions] |
obdurate |
unpersuadable through logic, pity, or sentiment; unyielding. [2 definitions] |