office |
a place where business or professional transactions are conducted. [8 definitions] |
office boy |
a boy or young man employed to run errands and do other odd jobs for an office. |
office building |
a building that contains only, or primarily, business offices. |
officeholder |
one who holds a position in government. |
office hours |
the hours that an office is regularly open for business. |
officer |
a person holding a position of trust and responsibility in a business organization or government agency. [3 definitions] |
officer of the day |
a military officer assigned, on a given day, to maintain the security and order of a military post or installation. |
official |
a person who performs a specific function or holds an office in a business organization or a government. [4 definitions] |
officialdom |
officials or authorities collectively. [2 definitions] |
officialese |
the language or jargon, usu. wordy, difficult to understand, and unnecessarily complicated, that is often characteristic of official pronouncements and documents. |
officialism |
excessive strictness in following official regulations and procedures. |
officially |
properly, according to an authority; formally. |
officiant |
a person who presides at a religious ceremony; celebrant. |
officiate |
to perform the duties of an official, esp. in presiding over an event or ceremony. [3 definitions] |
officious |
overly eager or aggressive in offering unrequested or unwanted service to others. |
offing |
the farthest reaches of the sea visible from shore. |
offish |
(informal) tending to aloofness; reserved. |
off-key |
not on the right musical note or pitch; flat or sharp. [2 definitions] |
off-licence |
(chiefly British) a shop that sells alcoholic beverages; liquor store. |
off-limits |
not to be entered or patronized by a designated group, such as military personnel. |
off-line |
not connected to or controlled by a central computer. |