orangutan |
a large, tree-dwelling ape of Borneo and Sumatra that has long arms and long, reddish brown hair. |
orate |
to speak in a formal or pompous manner. |
oration |
a formal, usu. long speech, esp. one given on an important occasion. [2 definitions] |
orator |
a person who delivers a public speech, or one skilled at formal public speaking. |
oratorical |
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of oratory or an orator. [2 definitions] |
oratorio |
a musical composition for voices and orchestra without costumes or scenery, usu. dramatizing a biblical subject. |
oratory1 |
the art of public speaking. [2 definitions] |
oratory2 |
a small chapel or room for private worship or prayer. |
orb |
a spherical body such as a globe or planet. [3 definitions] |
orbicular |
shaped like an orb; spherical. [2 definitions] |
orbit |
the curved path in which a planet, satellite, or spacecraft revolves about another body. [7 definitions] |
orca |
see "killer whale." |
orchard |
an area of land planted with fruit or nut trees. [2 definitions] |
orchestra |
a group of musicians who play various instruments and perform together. [3 definitions] |
orchestrate |
to write or arrange (music) to be played by an orchestra. [2 definitions] |
orchid |
any of numerous mostly tropical plants that bear blossoms of various and exotic colors and shapes. [3 definitions] |
orchil |
any of several lichens that yield purple or reddish dyes. [2 definitions] |
orchis |
any of a genus of orchids bearing small purple or white flowers that grow in spikes. |
orcinol |
a white crystalline compound that turns red on exposure to air, used as a reagent for certain carbohydrates. |
ordain |
to proclaim or authorize (a person) to be a Christian priest or minister, or a rabbi, esp. by a formal ceremony. [4 definitions] |
ordeal |
a painful, exhausting, or emotionally trying experience, esp. when regarded as a test of a person's endurance or character. [2 definitions] |