-orium |
a place or device associated with or pertaining to; -arium. |
Orlon |
trademark for a lightweight acrylic fiber or fabric. |
Ormazd |
Ahura Mazda. |
ormolu |
an alloy of copper and zinc or tin that resembles gold, or a similar gilded metal, used to decorate furniture, architectural features, or jewelry. |
ornament |
something that is added to beautify or improve appearance; decoration. [5 definitions] |
ornamental |
of or pertaining to ornament or decoration; decorative. [3 definitions] |
ornamentation |
ornaments collectively; embellishment. [2 definitions] |
ornate |
having much, often excessive, decoration. [2 definitions] |
ornery |
stubborn, mean, or disagreeable. |
ornithologist |
a scientist who specializes in the study of birds. |
ornithology |
the scientific study of birds. |
orographic |
of, pertaining to, or associated with mountains. |
oropharyngeal |
of or relating to the mouth and pharynx. |
orotund |
having a full, rich sound, as in voice or speech. [2 definitions] |
orphan |
a person, esp. a child, whose parents have died. [5 definitions] |
orphanage |
an institution where orphans and abandoned children are housed and cared for. |
Orpheus |
in Greek mythology, a poet and musician whose music moved even lifeless things and who almost brought his wife, Eurydice, back from the dead, but failed because he turned and looked at her before they reached the upper world. |
Orphic |
of or relating to Orpheus or the religious school worshiping Dionysus, which was ascribed to him. [2 definitions] |
orrery |
a model of bodies in the solar system that can show their relative positions and motions by means of simple mechanical adjustments. |
orris |
any of several European irises with fragrant rootstocks, esp. a white-flowered species yielding orrisroot. |
orrisroot |
the fragrant root of any of several species of iris, used in making perfumes and cosmetics. |