Orphic |
of or relating to Orpheus or the religious school worshiping Dionysus, which was ascribed to him. [2 definitions] |
orrery |
a model of bodies in the solar system that can show their relative positions and motions by means of simple mechanical adjustments. |
orris |
any of several European irises with fragrant rootstocks, esp. a white-flowered species yielding orrisroot. |
orrisroot |
the fragrant root of any of several species of iris, used in making perfumes and cosmetics. |
or so |
or about that many. |
Orson Welles |
U.S. actor, screenwriter, producer, and critically acclaimed motion picture director who first gained national recognition for his role in the 1938 radio broadcast adaptation of H.G. Wells's novel, The War of the Worlds (b.1915--d.1985). |
ortho- |
right; correct. [2 definitions] |
orthocenter |
the point at which the three altitudes of a triangle intersect. |
orthoclase |
a monoclinic feldspar that is a common constituent in igneous rock such as granite. |
orthodontia |
see "orthodontics." |
orthodontics |
(used with a sing. verb) the branch of dentistry that deals with the correct alignment and position of teeth; orthodontia. |
orthodontist |
a dentist who specializes in straightening teeth. |
orthodox |
adhering to or in accordance with long-established religious beliefs, laws, and practices. [5 definitions] |
Orthodox Eastern Church |
variant of Eastern Orthodox Church. |
orthodoxy |
the condition or quality of being orthodox. [2 definitions] |
orthoepy |
the study of pronunciation; phonology. [2 definitions] |
orthography |
spelling, esp. according to established conventions or in a particular style. [2 definitions] |
orthopedics |
(used with a sing. verb) the branch of medicine dealing with the skeletal system and its associated muscles and joints, esp. with the treatment of skeletal disorders in children. |
orthopteran |
any of a large order of plant-eating insects, including crickets, grasshoppers, and cockroaches, that have hard leathery forewings and membranous hind wings. |
orthorhombic |
of or denoting a pattern of crystallization embodying three mutually perpendicular axes of different lengths. |
ortolan |
a small brown European bunting, sometimes eaten as a delicacy. |