ounce2 |
see "snow leopard." |
our |
of, relating to, or belonging to the speakers (possessive form of we). |
Our Father |
see "Lord's Prayer," "paternoster." |
ours |
a possessive form of we; that or those belonging to us. |
ourself |
a reflexive form of I; my own person considered privately and apart; myself. |
ourselves |
used reflexively as the object of a verb or preposition. [3 definitions] |
-ous |
characterized by; given to; having; full of. [2 definitions] |
ousel |
variant of ouzel. |
oust |
to force out; expel or eject, as from a place or position. |
ouster |
the act of ousting or condition of being ousted; ejection or expulsion. |
out |
forth; beyond the limits; away. [29 definitions] |
out- |
out; outside; outward. [2 definitions] |
outachieve |
combined form of achieve. |
outact |
combined form of act. |
outage |
a suspension of functions or operations, usu. because of electrical failure. [2 definitions] |
out-and-out |
unqualified and unmitigated; thorough. |
out at the elbows |
shabby or poor. |
outback |
(sometimes cap.) remote, rural areas, esp. in Australia and New Zealand (usu. prec. by "the"). [2 definitions] |
outbalance |
to be greater than in value, weight, or the like; outweigh. |
outbargain |
combined form of bargain. |
outbid |
to make a higher bid or offer than (another). |