outboard motor |
a small portable gasoline engine with a propeller, which is mounted onto the stern of a boat. |
outbound |
headed outward or away. |
outbrag |
combined form of brag. |
outbrawl |
combined form of brawl. |
outbreak |
a sudden breaking out; eruption. [2 definitions] |
outbuilding |
a building separate from but related to a main building. |
outbulk |
combined form of bulk. |
outburst |
a bursting forth or out, as of activity or emotion; eruption. |
outbuy |
combined form of buy. |
outcast |
one who is cast out or rejected by society or a group. [2 definitions] |
outcatch |
combined form of catch. |
outcharge |
combined form of charge. |
outclass |
to be superior to; surpass. |
outclimb |
combined form of climb. |
outcoach |
combined form of coach. |
outcome |
a result of something; consequence. |
outcompete |
combined form of compete. |
outcrop |
a protrusion of rock above the surface of the soil. [2 definitions] |
outcry |
a loud cry, shout, or uproar. [2 definitions] |
outdance |
combined form of dance. |
outdated |
unfashionable or obsolete; out of date. |